The Khushee

Mamta Program

We believe the best way to improve health outcomes within a community, is by working with members from the community.

This is why the core of our work at the Mata Jai Kaur Centre is conducted by a passionate group of people from in and around Ganganagar. Our reach doesn’t stop there though. We have a global support network with ties to Canada, the U.S. and the U.K; a network that has been built through grassroots efforts, community action and global engagement. See a list of our partners here.

Why did MJK establish the Khushee Mamta Program?

Women experiencing pre- or postpartum depression or anxiety are at a significantly higher risk of experiencing a poor pregnancy outcomes, including maternal and infant death. Additionally, the babies of mothers suffering from mental illness tend to have lower low-birth rates and higher rates of infection and disease, all of which affects their future prospects. 

In India, the majority of individuals with mental health issues do not receive treatment due to both stigma and a severe shortage of mental health specialists. One strategy to address this treatment gap involves training non-specialists, or lay-counselors, to deliver basic psycho social interventions that are culturally and contextually appropriate. Though this approach has proved effective in other settings, it is the first of its kind in Rajasthan and the first to directly address locally-relevant issues such as gender preference 

With the support of Grand Challenges Canada and a team of international collaborators from India, Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States, we are testing our approach and will use our lessons to inform mental health policy and programming for vulnerable populations in other low-resource settings.

Who are the MJK-KM Health Counsellors?

Our strategy for providing psychosocial support to women involves training local women to deliver a specific package of care based in principles of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). These MJK-KM Health Counsellors have the crucial role of assessing a woman’s circumstances, screening them for mental illness, and providing follow-up psychosocial support and care. As women from the local community, the Health Counsellors are uniquely placed to understand a local mother’s circumstances and provide empathetic and specific care. They are our local champions and examples of what empowered women can achieve.

How you can get involved?

The Kushee Mamta program is in its pilot phase and is already showing great results. We are always happy to collaborate with clinicians, mental health specialists, researchers, and students looking to make a meaningful and committed contribution to our work. We are also looking for support and donations to help our program scale-up across our district and to other places with similar needs. Contact us a for more information. Donations of any amount are appreciated and can be made here.