Why is maternal health so important?

We believe that improving the health of women is a vital step towards overcoming intergenerational cycles of poverty and violence, as well as improving childhood outcomes. Women are fundamental to the prosperity of the family and community. Empowering women has a profound, lasting impact on the world around them.

The number of babies that die each year, before their 1st birthday.

The number of women who die from pregnancy or childbirth related complications around the world every day.

Why Rajasthan?

Rural Rajasthan has among the worst maternal and child health outcomes in the world. We focus our efforts here because of the need, but also because of our ties to the region. Many of the founding members of MJK immigrated to Canada from Rajasthan and are now in a position to make a direct and meaningful impact on the health of mothers and children.


The percentage of global maternal deaths that occur in developing countries, including India.

The number of maternal deaths per 100,000 births in Rajasthan, one of the highest in South Asia.


The percentage of women in Sri Ganganagar that don't have access to full antenatal care.

2017 Field Study Report

We’ve performed in-depth research and interviewed dozens of women in and around Sri Ganganagar. Read about our findings and how we’ve used our experience to further develop our program at the Mata Jai Kaur Centre by downloading a PDF version of the report below.